What about this website?

Why use LinkGuard?

   Every time you post something on the internet, it's been fetched, analysed and stored in databases to make it available in search engines. Also, software or apps like Facebook, Messenger, Telegram, Discord (and many, many more...) fetch the link to make a preview of it or just censor it.

   That's why LinkGuard has been created, to give Internet user a possibility to keep anonym what they share!

How do you block bots?

   We use the very common reCaptcha NoCaptcha from Google to block bots. This solution has been proven around the world and offers a very good result in protecting content against robots.

Easy for Humans, Hard on bots!

Free to use?

   YES SURE! The service is maintained with own funds. However if you wish to support us, do not hesitate to contact us via the contact form.

This service is not intended to be used for illegal purpose!